Ads of the World by Clios Selected & Published
Dove One Show Young Ones 2024 Brief
Objective: Create a fresh and bold campaign that broadens the definition of beauty for the next 20 years.
Insight: We say mean things to ourselves that we would never say to another person.
Big Idea: Speaking less of yourself is still a form of bullying. 
Execution: An experiential mirror and app showing how bullying can come from within.
Copywriter: Jenna Byers
Case Study Video
Deeper than the Surface Mirror
The Deep-Fake Deeper than the Surface Mirror
Interviewer: If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Woman 1: Honestly, I've never really liked my nose. It's kind of crooked.
Interviewer: If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Woman 2: I think I'd probably make my pores smaller.
Interviewer: If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Woman 3: My ears stick out too much.
Interviewer: Now tell her.
The mirror reflects a deep-fake child version of the woman in real-time.
Woman: That's disturbing because a child shouldn't be worrying about her pores.
The mirror reflects a deep-fake child version of the woman in real-time.
Woman: I would never say that to a kid!
Interviewer: If you wouldn't say these things to your younger self, do you think it's okay to say them to yourself now?
Woman: I never thought about it that way!
The Invisible Bully Mobile Experience
The user is asked a series of interview questions.
Once the user completes their recording, the app deepfakes a child version of themselves back to them in real-time, and highlights parts of their answers where they were self-depricating. 
The user has the option to share their story to the Invisible Bully Gallery, and see how other women experienced Deeper than the Surface.

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